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IVY International Schools

How to Stop Bullying in Schools?

What is school bullying?

CPI defines bullying as being characterized by intentionally aggressive behavior that involves an imbalance of power and strength. It can be exemplified through physical, verbal/nonverbal, and/or relational means. It is a repeated offense, even when teachers observe it for the first time. Talking to the victim about what happened and whether there have been past occurrences is very important.

Bullying is an embarrassing and difficult topic to discuss. Many people don't even want to think about it, or the statistics are so grim that they're too triggering to even go into. But not talking about it won't make it disappear, and not paying attention to what's going on in your community may contribute to more bullying than you think.

Bullying is a big problem in schools and it affects especially children who are the most vulnerable. According to child development experts, bullying happens when someone is rejected, threatened, or has their confidence damaged by another person. Children in elementary, middle, and high school can bully other children and adults.

Bullying prevention is a key issue for schools today. There are plenty of strategies that can be used, but implementing each one is incredibly time-consuming. It's much more effective to have teachers use bullying prevention tips in class and in the school environment as a whole rather than following one particular strategy.

How to Stop Bullying in Schools?

Ways for teachers to reduce bullying in schools

Many students in elementary and high school are bullied on a daily basis but many are not aware of the steps they can take to prevent their friends from being bullied.

Some people think that bullying is just a part of growing up and this will eventually stop on its own without any further intervention. However, there are many ways to help stop bullying in schools. The best way to prevent the occurrence of bullying is to create an accepting tone in the classroom environment and make sure that students learn about healthy relationships with others.

Be Aware

Bullying must be taken seriously by teachers even if it occurs in places where supervision is limited, such as the bathroom, crowded hallways, and school buses, as well as via texting and social media. Teachers should

 emphasize that telling isn’t tattletale. If a teacher notices bullying in the classroom, he or she must intervene immediately to stop it and notify the appropriate school administrators so that the incident can be investigated. It is not recommended to hold a joint meeting with the bullied student and the student who is bullied because it is embarrassing and intimidating for the student who is being bullied.

Look for Bullying Indicators

Make sure you understand the most common types of bullying, as well as the signs of cyberbullying. Also, keep in mind that girls and boys often bully in different ways. For example, boys may resort to physical bullying, whereas girls are more likely to engage in psychological violence, such as alienating another student.

Avoid Cliques in the Classroom

When students have a group project, assigning them to groups is one technique to help avoid social cliques from emerging in your classroom. Allowing children to form their own groups creates an environment conducive to bullying. It also permits cliques to form and gives children the opportunity to exclude others. This way students can also learn how to collaborate with a variety of people by participating in pre-selected groups.

Create a safe environment in your classroom.

When a bully is present in a classroom, the entire class is affected, not only the victim. Even if they were not targeted by the bully, the classroom can start feeling unsafe for many students. They may have difficulty concentrating as well as experiencing anxiety and stress.  Make sure your classroom is a safe environment. Through discussing the significance of respect and kindness.

Respond Quickly

When you notice bullying, take action straight away. Using phrases like "kids will be kids" to normalize bullying is a bad idea. When you minimize bullying, you're delivering the message that it's acceptable.

When you do that, children are less likely to feel safe at school, and bullying is more likely to increase. Bullies want their victims to remain silent about what they've done to them. Surprise them by addressing them directly. If they are disciplined when they participate in bullying, it is no longer an option for them.

How to Stop Bullying in Schools?

Parents can also help deal with bullies

Bullying has become a part of life. It is not uncommon for kids to get bullied at school by other students or even adults who are supposed to be looking after them. Parents can help their kids deal with bullies in school by providing tips and resources to help them defend themselves from the bully.


Every day, check in with your children to see how things are doing at school. Create a caring environment with a calm, cheerful tone so he isn't frightened to inform you if something is wrong. Remind him that his well-being is paramount and that he should immediately seek help from an adult if he still has any concerns.

Report severe bullying

If your child is hesitant to report the bullying, accompany him to a teacher, guidance counselor, a school supervisor to discuss the situation. Learn about the school's bullying policy, document and retain records of occurrences of bullying, and check-in with the school to see what steps are being taken.

Boost Your Child's Self-confidence

Bullying is less likely to impact your child's self-esteem if he feels good about himself. Encourage your child to participate in sports and extracurricular activities that will bring out the best in him or her. Tell your child what you admire in him and encourage him to do more of the positive behaviors you want to see.

How to Stop Bullying in Schools?

Teach them how to stop bullying when they see it.

Support the victim to get his/her route of harm's way: physically stand with the victim, turn her away from the bully, and guide her away in the opposite direction — towards a teacher’s help. "You appear to be upset," "I've been looking for you," or, "The teacher asked me to find you," etc.