As always our early childhood department coordinated an event having fun in the sun. Our little students had the opportunity to enhance their motor skills by cooling off from the heat with water fun!
Say IVY!
Instead of saying "cheese" for taking pictures, we say "Ivy! or STEM!" Wednesday, May 18th, 2022 was our first picture here at Ivy. Our students took their individual and group pictures recording their Ivy 2021/2022 memorable year!

Let's Do the Twist
We are excited to announce our Pre-k Performance taking place on their last day of school on Thursday, June 2nd, 2022 from 10-12 pm. Our little stars and their teachers have been working very hard to prepare for this adorable event. Our theme is "The 60s". The program will start with their performance in the theater, followed by a farewell dish party in the cafeteria. We wish them the best of luck and a groovy time!!

Go STEM, Go!
As you might know, our STEM team led by Mr. Ahmed Samir is heavily preparing for our first annual STEM Expo which will take place on Saturday, June 25th, 2022. Our students are just as excited and have created extremely impressive projects and even have named their teams to portray team spirit! These teams may be asked to stay after school on selected days, of which a schedule will be posted soon for parent approval. We are all excited to see the result of all their hard work and delivery of solving real-life problems revealing their use of 21st-century skills, which is what STEM is all about. Stay tuned for more updates on our upcoming issues!
Heroes Teach!
Is it spiderman or superman? It's a teacher!
IVY STEM International would thank and appreciate our teachers during "Teacher Appreciation Month".
Thank you for all you do!