IVY Times
Issue#1-September 11th-15th, 2022
Message from Ivy's School Principal
I am so excited about the new year! IVY teachers and staff are counting down the days to see our wonderful students. We are more than ready to start the new year!
I want to thank all the wonderful IVY parents for this amazing honor to serve your children as Principals. With your help and support, I know this will be a great year of learning and growing.
Please make sure to read this informational newsletter in its entirety as it has important key points for the beginning of the year. The following information to be included in the newsletter will be the following:
- IVY first day and Every day Reminders
- IVY youtube channel on how to use the IVY parent portal.
- Club sign-up process
- Spirit day announcement
- 6th of October play: The Vow
- Looking ahead - upcoming events
- Academic School Calendar
First Day of School PreK to Grade 10
Here is a quick overview of the first day of school, Sunday, September 18th.
Arrival: 7.15 am.
Matrons and school staff will receive the students and take them to the playground/ KG classes.
Morning Line: 7.25 am (PreK to KG2 will be doing their own morning routines in their classes)
First Period: 7.40 am
- Normal school day: Students meet their teachers and get introduced to the school’s policies and procedures.
- Practice for policies and procedures takes place all day long in different periods.
- Outdoor Activities: For teambuilding purposes and building a positive school spirit.
- Dismissal: 3.50 pm.
- Students will go down to the garage for the dismissal area.
- Please make sure you have your Pick-up ID for scanning purposes at the garage entrance.

Let Us Show You How!
There has been very exciting changes that we have made to enhance our parent/student experience!
Kindly check our YouTube channel for the step-by-step tutorials for the following items
- Cafeteria meal booking
- Setting up meetings
- Transportation booking
- And much much more!

Important Transportation Information
If you signed up for our school bus services, then please see the below important message.
IVY school buses will not pick up students from their homes in the morning for the first two days of school (September 18th and 19th). Parents will need to bring students to school on those days, however IVY school buses will drop off students after school starting September 18th.
IVY school buses will start picking up and dropping off students as regular starting September 20th, 2022.
Parents, please expect some delays in pick-up and drop-off times for the first week due to new routes and traffic conditions.
Your understanding and cooperation in this matter is highly appreciated.
IVY Transportation Team
Club Sign-up information...Got Clubs?
Don't forget to sit with your child and ask them which club they would like to select for the semester then make their choice on our school portal. Once you sign in, the system will prompt you to make a selection for your child.
Club selections are crucial since we will be starting clubs right away!
Kindly view the image below as a reference for the club selection process and if you face any trouble, just fill out a ticket and our amazing technical team will be happy to help!

Our first Spirit Day, Yay!
The importance and significance of school spirit days are to lift our campus spirit and flourish our student's global mindset.
- Spirit days are regular school days where classes will run as scheduled, recognition of the international day will take place during the morning line, in circle time, art, music, etc.
- Academics will not be interrupted.
- Students are only going to be wearing white tops, bottoms are the school uniform pants or shorts.
We hope our students have a peaceful year full of inspiration and growth. Happy International Day of Peace everyone!

6th of October Play: "The Vow" will be performed on the 5th of October 2022
September 15th - Early Childhood Student Orientation (PreK-KG2)
September 18th - First Day of School
September 21st - International Day of Peace; Wear a White shirt
October 1st - SIS management training via zoom for parents' details will be sent out closer to the date.
October 5th - The Vow Performance
October 6th & October 8th - Teacher and Staff holiday in observance of the 6th of October
October 19th - IVY sports day grades 3 to 10
October 20th - IVY sports day grades Pre-K to Grades 2
EAGLE S.P.I.R.I.T Core Values. What is SUCCESS?
This month we will be modeling and working with students on IVY policies and procedures to have a successful year. We ask our IVY parents to review the IVY parent packet for more information.
Ways to practice success at home?
- Acknowledge your child when they do something RIGHT! (even the small things) It is good every day!
- Praise your child when they go above and beyond to help themselves and the family.
- Celebrate the accomplishments of the family.
- Ask your child what their favorite part of the day was at school.
When we will practice our CORE VALUES?
Success- September, March, June
Passion-December, January, March
Integrity-December, March
Respect- October, November, February, March, April
Innovation-November, March, May
Team-Work-September, February, March, May